June 2013 No 113, 2013/2 - 106 pagesEditorialPages 5 to 5Reporting from Melbourne at the 25th quadrennial congress of the International Council of Nurses: “Equity and access to health care”By Ljiljana Jovic, Didier Lecordier, Anne-Marie Mottaz, Didier Vidal-DeméDiscussionPages 6 to 18The beginnings of the nursing profession: The complementarity between secular caregivers and hospital nuns in France in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuriesBy Évelyne DieboltMethodologyPages 19 to 33Positive deviance: Concept analysis using the evolutionary approach of RodgersBy Josiane Létourneau, Marie Alderson, Chantal Caux, Lucie RichardPages 34 to 42A principle-based analysis of the concept of “developmental care”By Valérie Lebel, Marilyn AitaResearchPages 43 to 50The contribution of nursing to interprofessional knowledge developmentBy Karine Bilodeau, Sylvie Dubois, Jacinthe PepinPages 51 to 60Sick leave during pregnancy: An analysis in French hospitals from 2005 till 2008 demonstrates its importance for jobs involving strenuous physical workBy Madeleine Estryn-Béhar, Émile Amar, Dominique ChoudatPages 61 to 75Patient record-based ward rounds as an example of “course of action” coordination among doctors and nursesBy Nicole Nadot GhanemVariaPages 76 to 85Current state of knowledge: Couples’ experiences of the hospitalization of the woman due to a high-risk pregnancyBy Émilie Lavallée, France Dupuis, Marjolaine HéonPages 86 to 94The role of nurses in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation unitsBy Kaoana Lima, Elizabeth Bernardino, Clémence DallairePages 95 to 106Nursing in prison: Inmates as patientsBy Marie Alderson, Micheline Saint-Jean, Pierre-Yves Therriault, Jacques Rhéaume, Isabelle Ruelland, Myriam Lavoie