Pierre Pariseau-Legault List of articlesNo 145, 2021/2Understanding the lived experiences of undergraduate nursing students during a mental health practicum. An interpretive phenomenological analysisResearchNo 143, 2020/4Identity (re)construction and nursing practice in forensic psychiatry: a critical reflection about review boardsDevelopmentNo 142, 2020/3Integrating human rights into the practice of nurses who use coercion in mental health care: A systematic literature review and meta-ethnography of qualitative evidenceResearchNo 141, 2020/2The unpopularity of mental health/psychiatry settings among nursing students: A systematic reviewMethodologyNo 135, 2018/4From clinical practice to nursing research: Auto-ethnography as a tool for analyzing the researcher’s identity transitionsMethodologyNo 130, 2017/3Sexual health and intellectual disability: A narrative literature review and its implications for nursing practiceResearchNo 123, 2015/4Autonomy and consent within care: A socio-legal analysisMethodology