September 2022 No 150, 2022/3 - 108 pagesEditorialPages 5 to 6Nursing informatics: a specialty to invest in the service of the nursing clinicBy Paul Quindroit, Emmanuelle CartronResearchPages 7 to 22Intervening against the patient’s wishes: pro re nata medication and the phenomenological experience of nurses working in a forensic psychiatry environmentBy Charlène Seyer-Forget, Dave Holmes, Jean Daniel Jacob, Emmanuelle Bernheim, Étienne Paradis-GagnéPages 23 to 41Self-efficacy in physical activity. Chronic pathology and caregiving posture in therapeutic educationBy Emmanuelle Martin, Marc NagelsVariaPages 42 to 52Plagiarism in the research work of health care students: a survey among dissertation defense panelists from a French university hospitalBy Pascale Mancheron, Angélique Chaudron, Michael Le Corvic, Jean-Yves Leblanc, Marielle Boissart, Rémi Beranger, Patricia DaucePages 53 to 65The place of scientific knowledge in the teaching of technical skills in initial nursing training: a descriptive qualitative studyBy Aurélie Demagny-Warmoes, Véronique Cabaret, Raquel Becceril-OrtegaDevelopmentPages 66 to 78Integrating advanced practice nurses in ambulatory primary care: representations and expectations of general practitionersBy Laure Aumaréchal, Jean-Pierre Lebeau, Mary LebleuPages 79 to 88The experiences of francophone patients who frequently present to the emergency department for mental health reasonsBy Amanda Vandyk, Sophie Lightfoot, Kristine Levesque, Marie-Cécile Domecq, Jean Daniel JacobPages 89 to 102Care offered to people living with HIV: the social representations of nurses in a Moroccan university hospitalBy Sofia El Yahyaoui, Amine Ali Zeggwagh