March 2023 No 152, 2023/1 - 76 pagesEditorialPages 5 to 6Celebrating forty years of the Association de recherche en soins infirmiers (Arsi)By Le conseil d’administration de l’ArsiDiscussionPages 7 to 16Biomedical domination in nursing: a contribution to the emancipation of nursesBy Heidi Lepage, Nicolas VonarxResearchPages 17 to 28Transition experience of patients with cancer undergoing surgical insertion of an implantable venous access device: An exploratory studyBy Eliane Dalex, Dominique Munteanu Nicou, Florence Roch Barrena, Catherine Salvi, Marie-José RoulinPages 29 to 41Nursing support in the decision-making process regarding the choice of renal replacement therapy: A scoping reviewBy Audrie Marcheguet, Valérie LoizeauMethodologyPages 42 to 59The care experience for people undergoing a liver transplantation. Descriptive phenomenological investigation in a Belgian academic hospitalBy Ivo Manuel Mateus Alves, Chantal Cara, Thierry Gustot, Hélène Lefebvre, Dan LecocqVariaPages 60 to 76Translation of the Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire into French and its validationBy Nancy Helou, Méris Rapin, Dina Nobre, Anne ZanchiPages 77 to 80Information concerning the application to become an associate professor in the nursing sciences section of the French Conseil national des universités des disciplines de santé (National Council of Universities for Health Disciplines)By Sébastien Colson, Rémi Gagnayre, Aurore Margat, Anne Muller, Carine Simar, Laurent Visier