September 2024 No 158, 2024/3 - pagesPages 4 to 4Front matterPages 5 to 7The new version of NANDA-I 2024-2027 classification: An invitation to use nursing taxonomies in clinical practice, teaching, and researchBy Isabelle De Geest, Emmanuelle CartronPages 8 to 24A qualitative ethnographic study on the role of public health in the activities of general care nursesBy Sandrine Monnier, Emmanuel TribyPages 25 to 36Redefining old age for a more inclusive futureBy Fannie Dupont, Sandra HarrissonPages 37 to 44Smoking cessation education: An evaluation of nursing practices in hemodialysis careBy Valérie Rio, Louise Rolland-Guillard, Anne RubenstrunkPages 45 to 57The oncology nurse coordinator in Nouvelle-Aquitaine: Specific competencies, activities, and practices for cancer patient careBy Marie-Noëlle Gombert, Sylvie Marty, Hélène Hoarau, Françoise Colombani, Florence Francis-Oliviero, Fabien Salesses, Valérie BergerPages 58 to 68Qualitative study on the experience of insulin pump use among type 2 diabetic patients aged over 65By Julie Schmitt, Maria Teixeira, Diane Bargain