The creation of new branches of the French National Council of Universities
In France, the lack of inclusion of nursing education in universities has effectively prevented it from producing knowledge through research. As the recruitment of teacher-researchers is a key issue in university integration, the public authorities have decided to open new qualification paths for individuals to become university professors or lecturers in nursing, rehabilitation, and rehabilitation sciences and maieutic.Creating teams of teacher-researchers is important for research production, internal governance at universities, and the organization of the network of training institutes. Research should be considered for its contribution to the improvement of care practices but also in terms of educational investment.It is important to distinguish between the professional and disciplinary registers. At master’s level and a fortiori at doctoral level, only the approach in terms of research fields can exist, on a disciplinary and, increasingly, interdisciplinary level.The creation of new disciplines has a twofold impact: it is equivalent to institutionally recognizing the research fields concerned, and it enhances universities’ involvement in paramedical training. Focusing on these two areas-research and pedagogy on the one hand, and organization on the other-is one of the keys to university integration.
- nursing
- discipline
- research
- teacher-researchers
- university