Generation Y healthcare students’ expectations: Hard skills but also soft skills

By Cynthia Engels

Generation Y’s (born between 1981 and 1999) educational approach to healthcare studies raises questions about their expectations and which teaching methods to use with this generation. This study involved third year occupational therapy students. One hundred and twelve students were consulted in September 2012 and September 2013 about their expectations regarding the courses and the teaching methods that were offered. Results allowed us to highlight firstly the importance of the usefulness of the course and secondly expectations regarding the teachers’ soft skills. While the link between soft skills and success was pointed out in many studies, only a few studies focus on the teachers’ own soft skills development in order to respond to students’ expectations in higher education. This is the topic of this article, whose main interest could be the means of developing teaching methods adapted to this students’ generation.


  • soft skills
  • pedagogy
  • students’ expectations
  • healthcare education
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