The socioanalytical device: A tool for intervention and data collection in qualitative research in nursing

By Carla Aparecida Spagnol, Solange L’Abbate, Gilles Monceau, Ljiljana Jovic

This paper aims to describe and analyze the use of a socioanalytical device as a data collection tool as well as a space of professional practice and work relations analysis, with a group of nurses from the university hospital at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. A qualitative approach was chosen to develop a research project that used institutional analysis as a theoretical and methodological framework. In the first stage of data collection, exploratory research was carried out using a questionnaire and, in the second phase, a socianalytical device was created comprising five meetings that took place over the course of two months. For the nurses, the socioanalytical device has enabled them to grow personally and professionally, to review their positions, to exchange experiences, and to reflect on their own problems through the experience of other colleagues. We conclude that the socioanalytical device was a space for discussion, for analysis of professional practice, and was the methodological strategy for data collection in this research. It has allowed the creation and recreation of forms of intervention, the production of knowledge, and has improved the quality of health work.


  • nurses’ sciences
  • conflict
  • nursing management
  • methodology
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