The portfolio in nursing school: Myth or reality?

By Chantal Garnier, Claire Marchand

Context: The portfolio is a new tool that has been introduced for setting up a new program of nurse training. It aims to have the would-be nurse improve their self-reliance and make them assess themselves through a critical, reflexive approach. The portfolio is mostly made up of sheets that the student has to fill in, describing and analyzing several professional conditions. Aim: This assesses the relevance in the portfolio of each nursing student in order to make them improve their reflexive practice. The article suggests different ways of thinking and improving uses of the tool. Method: 30 portfolios were chosen randomly among the second-year students, and 180 analyses were carried out using a grid. 10 viewpoints from volunteer students were gathered after several semi directive interviews. Results: Qualitative and evaluative analysis shows that the students develop the reflexive practical throughout their training. It seems important to choose the portfolio in order to help the students develop this way of working. According to them, there are several positive points, such as distance from an event, raising awareness of the acquisition, feedback about the quality of the text by the trainer, and the ability to assess oneself. Yet, even though it was created 18 months ago, there are some limits, such as the overly short period of mentoring and feedback, the lack of time for the students to write their analysis, the fact that it is not a practical tool, and unclear descriptions of assessment criteria. In order to fulfill these needs, solutions must be found. Conclusion: The portfolio is clearly helpful for students who wish to increase or gradually improve their reflexive practice. Thus, the trainer’s role is crucial when they act as supervisor.

Key words

  • reflexive practice
  • portfolio
  • nursing students
  • learning
  • self-assessment
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