The management of student interns, teaching, and research: Assessment and valorization of activities conducted by paramedical professionals

By Ljiljana Jovic, Danielle Goldszmidt, Dominique Monguillon

Hospitals have been involved for a long time in the training of health professionals. More recently, paramedical professionals have become involved in research. Training and research projects, as well as care, require human and material resources. This article does not question such projects. But, because of constraints related to demographic and medico-economic context and to the population needs for public health, these missions have to be identified, formalized, and developed. This, study carried out in the Île-de-France (Paris area) in several hospitals (n = 68), using an online questionnaire, allows us to identify resources dedicated to internship management, establish average time spent on students’ tutoring and training, and differentiate learning activities to undertake studies and research. The main results show that internship management is organized by the staff of the nursing administration director (80.9%), and represent in the institution an average of 0.5 FTE per year. The average time for student’s direct supervision depends on the type of training and the training year. They range from 50 to 143 minutes per day per student. Teaching activities are estimated to an average of 86.8 hours per hospitals. Studies and research are more difficult to identify. The results of this study may help acknowledge these activities in the human resources management, in each hospital and at a regional level.


  • student tutoring
  • student internship
  • teaching
  • research
  • paramedical students
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