Management: Concepts and research No 91, 2007/4 - 106 pagesEditorialPages 3 to 4Management: Concepts and researchBy Ljiljana JovicDiscussionPages 5 to 7An understanding of the complexity of action of, in, and by the organizationBy Jean-Louis Le MoignePages 8 to 11The manager’s role in complex organizations: The French hospitalBy Jean-Jacques RomatetMethodologyPages 12 to 23What is management research?By Corinne Grenier, Bertrand PaugetPages 24 to 28Management, between notions, concepts, and practices, in the hospital contextBy Francis MinetResearchPages 29 to 60From a nursing project to a medical nursing project. A plural visionBy Karen InthavongPages 61 to 75The reaction report: A new management tool in health establishmentsBy Nadine StoerkelPages 76 to 96Nursing consultation: A step towards professional autonomyBy Nathalie WarcholVariaPages 97 to 105The systemic approach: A new organization reading tool for more efficient managementBy Daniel Crepin