For a better understanding of the relationship between caregivers and young adults living with a concomitant substance-related mental health and substance use disorder: An integrative review

By Sophie Sergerie-Richard, France Dupuis, Christine Cassivi

Introduction: The importance of a quality relationship between young adults living with dual diagnosis and their health care providers is well documented.
Context: Although this complex phenomenon was mostly studied from an individual perspective, the results indicated the systemic nature of this relationship.
Objective: This study aims to better understand the relationship between young adults living with dual diagnosis and their health care providers, with a systemic perspective.
Method: Six data bases were consulted; manual research in gray literature and references screening enhanced the process.
Results: Of a total of 532 studies and reports identified, 44 were included in the review. Thematic data analysis was carried out, and two themes were identified: the health care system as a constraining environment; and the relationship at the heart of care.
Discussion: This study confirms the joint role played by the young adult in question and their health care provider in developing and maintaining the relationship, by acknowledging the importance of the care, of mutual confidence, and of a hierarchic relationship.
Conclusion: This integrative review provides a basis for future nursing interventions that foreground the relationship and take a systemic approach.

  • dual diagnosis (psychiatry)
  • professional-patient relations
  • psychiatric nursing
  • nursing research
  • review [publication type]
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