Self-efficacy in physical activity. Chronic pathology and caregiving posture in therapeutic education

By Emmanuelle Martin, Marc Nagels

Introduction: The prevalence of chronic diseases is a major public health problem. Therapeutic education, self-efficacy, the caregiving posture, and the strength-based approach to care constitute the theoretical framework of this work.
Context: Physical activity is beneficial to the health of people living with chronic conditions, but its implementation and maintenance over time is difficult.
Objective: To explore the self-efficacy of physical activity in people who have received therapeutic education and the notion of the caregiving posture in therapeutic education.
Method: A mixed descriptive and exploratory research design was used. Questionnaires and interviews were carried out with carers and people who had received therapeutic education.
Results: The level of posture of the carers was high and homogeneous. The level of self-efficacy of people who had received therapeutic education was heterogeneous, with a greater disparity in scores.
Conclusion: The therapeutic education posture cannot compensate for all the personal and environmental factors influencing the practice of physical activity. Regular support for self-efficacy in physical activity is necessary for its implementation and maintenance over time.

  • self-efficacy
  • physical activity
  • chronic pathology
  • caregiving posture
  • therapeutic education
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