Inventing the concept of continuing on during a difficult time

By Francine A. Major

The concept invention process has been useful in the emergence of a new concept, “continuing on during a difficult time.” The definition of this includes three unique elements, and its relation to the ontology of human becoming. Concept invention is a process of concept development introduced by R. R. Parse at the end of 1990’s. It aims to synthesize the researcher’s preliminary understanding of a concept. The result is a conceptual definition that expands knowledge and guides research in the study of lived experiences. The conceptual definition of “continuing on during a difficult time” is: “persevering amid suffering with engagements and disengagements, as a new way of moving on, which emerges by hoping for the possible.” This definition is transposed into a theoretical structure, “the expression, through power, of the valorization, in both conjunction and separation, of figuration.” Implications for nursing research and practice are stated.


  • persevering
  • suffering
  • hoping
  • concept inventing
  • concept development
  • Humanbecoming theory
  • continuing on during difficult time
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