Health care and anthropology: A reflective approach

By Cécilia Rohrbach Viadas

Caring for human beings calls for a linking together of unity and diversity in order to respect the equality of cultures and to recognize their cultural differences. Cultural difference is, however, favored by recent publications within the culture caring domain, based on cultural relativism and disregarding the unity of humanity, as is the case for transcultural nursing theory. For this reason, some historical elements related to the two original anthropological theories are included in this text, to aid understanding of the philosophical and ethical implications of transcultural nursing theory. The aim of this article is to analyze six recent publications within the caring and anthropology field, using a reflective method to identify two different caring traditions and demonstrate their philosophical and ethical potential for caring practice.

Key words

  • caring
  • unity of humanity
  • equality of cultures
  • recognition of their cultural differences
  • caring-anthropology
  • philosophical and ethical reach
  • reflexive method
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