The meaning of experiences of comfort in mental health care: A comparison between the comfort experienced in general and in psychiatric care (part two)

By Maud Bécherraz

This article provides a synthesis and comparison of three hermeneutical studies of the meaning of the experience of comfort in post-operative, general medical, and mental health settings (Bécherraz, 2001; 2002). The article presents points of divergence and convergence on comfort in nursing, as reported by 36 “recipient-nurse” dyads and 2 single patients (singletons). Through this comparative analysis, comfort appears to be comprised of four stable dimensions (relational, embodied, and social ties, and contextual elements), and one unstable dimension (spirituality).


  • hermeneutic phenomenology
  • dyad
  • comfort
  • post-operative phase
  • medicine
  • mental health
  • comparative analysis
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