The meaning of experiences of comfort in mental health care (part one)

By Maud Bécherraz

This article begins with an overview of a research program examining comforting in a variety of clinical settings (Bécherraz, 2001; 2002). The context, participants, and research question of the study are presented briefly. The article continues with a hermeneutic analysis of patient and clinician narratives. This reveals four thematic categories related to comfort in mental health. These consist of (a) relational, (b) embodied, and (c) social ties, as well as (d) contextual dimensions. Further, the distribution of the fourteen dyads along orthogonal axes and their composition are presented and discussed. Finally, a paradigm case illustrates all of the thematic categories. The article concludes with a brief synthesis.


  • hermeneutic phenomenology
  • thematic categories
  • paradigm case
  • dyad
  • comfort
  • psychiatric care
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