September 2018 No 134, 2018/3 - 94 pagesEditorialPages 5 to 5Arsi celebrates its thirty-fifth birthday with the participants of the SIDIIEF World CongressBy Anne-Marie MottazDiscussionPages 6 to 15Science and nursing science: What links, what issues and what future development for the discipline of nursing?By Philomène Marie Missi, Clémence Dallaire, Jean-François GiguèreResearchPages 16 to 32The “alcohol and pregnancy” link in training in nursing or social work: A topic to reconsider?By Juliette HontebeyrieMethodologyPages 33 to 43Practice in forensic psychiatry: A proposed interdisciplinary modelBy Dave Holmes, Amélie Perron, Jean Daniel Jacob, Étienne Paradis-Gagné, Sara-Michelle GrattonVariaPages 44 to 51Assessing nurses’ knowledge of insulin administration and the impact of the introduction of concentrated insulinsBy Vincent Leroy, Marine Lazaro, Bastien Raymond, Agnès HenryPages 52 to 59Introducing research knowledge to nursing students during their initial training: The situation of nursing schools in LorraineBy Conchita Szyba, Pascale Didry, Anne Kaltenbach, Stephanie Phulpin, Pierre Schuster, Marie Laure ZieleniewiczPages 60 to 69The complementarity of clinical and administrative nursing roles in a hospital setting: A case studyBy Andrée-Anne Bérubé, Geneviève Roch, Clémence DallaireDevelopmentPages 70 to 77Monitoring adherence after weight loss surgery: Identifying factors leading to non-adherence in a cohort of 207 severely obese patients who have undergone surgery. An evaluation of severely obese patients’ adherence following weight loss surgeryBy Marina Vignot, Jean-Michel Oppert, Arnaud Basdevant, Karine ClémentBiographyPages 78 to 93Charlotte Tassé (1893-1974), a tireless promoter of the French-Canadian nurses modelBy Alexandre Klein