Access to the journal’s articles

Accessing articles

Accessing RSI online

Since January 2014, our journal has been available online on ISSN 2271- 8362.

On, readers can access articles from RSI issues that are over two years old for free. They can also access a limited number of articles from the eight most recently published issues for free, or download other articles in these issues for between €3 and €5 each. hosts an increasing number of full-text French-language humanities and social sciences publications.

Accessing articles translated into English

On the Cairn International site, non-French-speaking readers can access the latest humanities and social sciences publications from the French-speaking world. Cairn International offers a search engine, fully translated tables of contents from journal issues, and a selection of articles translated into English. On top of this, it publishes monthly dossiers on a specific topic, in partnership with Books magazine.

A selection of full-text RSI articles are available in English on the site.

Ordering printed issues of RSI

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