Intégration des infirmiers en pratique avancée au parcours des patients atteints de maladies chroniques : perceptions des personnes âgées en soins primaires
Introduction : Users’ perceptions of the deployment of advanced practice nurses (APNs) are considered as part of a health democracy approach and are an important determinant of APN deployment.
Objective : To explore how older people perceive the integration of an APN into their primary care pathway.
Method : Exploratory qualitative study using semi-directed interviews with older people being followed by an RPN. The analysis monitored an inductive thematic approach.
Results : Eleven users were interviewed and reported that they were satisfied with the follow-up offered. Three main categories emerged from the verbatim analysis : the IPA is perceived as a professional capable of taking on several roles in the care pathway, his integration is part of a rapidly changing medicine, the users’ level of satisfaction is notable, highlighting a quality of relationship and an improvement in access to care.
Discussion : Although French APNs have a different profile to those in other countries, users’ perceptions in France are similar to those reported elsewhere. The practice appears to be rooted in nursing science.
Mots-clés :
- infirmière en pratique avancée
- France
- personnes âgées
- soins primaires
- satisfaction des patients.