Réflexion sur la perspective scientifique du déni et d’acceptation pour comprendre l’expérience de vivre avec une maladie chronique

Par Édith Ellefsen, Sarah Lafontaine

Introduction: The concepts of denial and acceptance represent the scientifically accepted perspective for interpreting the reactions of people living with chronic illness.
Objective: The objective of this article is to propose a reflection on the scientific constructs of denial and acceptance in order to understand the consequences of their use by health care professionals with people living with chronic illness.
A different perspective from the scientific perspective of denial and acceptance is suggested. It is based on nursing theoretical models derived from qualitative research with people living with chronic illness. These models recognize the complexity and uniqueness of the life course of these individuals. They suggest that the scientific perspective of denial and acceptance has its limits for understanding this experience.
Conclusion: This reflection should guide health care professionals toward a more humanistic, person-centered approach to care.


  • acceptation
  • déni
  • expérience de maladie chronique
  • soins centrés sur la personne
  • recherche qualitative
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